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Glenn Friesen Needs a Kidney

Glenn Friesen Needs a Kidney

Author: Marcelle Chaffin

10/20/2020·In: I Need a Hero

My name is Glenn Friesen, I am 55 years old. I have 3 beautiful daughters. I am currently an UBER driver but have been a Special Education Teacher over the years as well as an Administrative Assistant in the Medical Field. I like Sports, church and hanging out with friends. I am a pretty even keeled and well-balanced guy.

In 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Kidney Failure from complications of a Hernia. It was the first time in 50 years I had ever been in a Hospital since the day I was born. The Nephrologist at the time said I didn’t need dialysis or a transplant. So there was a lot of hope. It was a long road, but I was trying to stay optimistic. Fast forward 5 years and now I am on Dialysis full time and registered to get a Kidney Transplant.

It has been very difficult financially for me, it was super tough between 2015 - 2017. I could hardly work, only about 12 - 15 hours a week, it was pretty devastating. Once I recovered from surgery in 2017 I got more of my mojo back. Being involved in my church has really helped me mentally and it hasn’t killed my spirit! When I couldn’t physically attend Church services I would watch it online, it was a blessing!

I go to dialysis 3x’s a week, Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Saturday’s. I have to be there at 5:00 a.m. and return home around 10:30 a.m. exhausted. I work in the mornings driving for UBER when I am not in dialysis and in the afternoons when I do have dialysis. I go to Church on Sundays, my Church is 35 miles away and sometimes by the time I get there I need to take a little nap, it’s Crazy! I don’t have much time for anything else because dialysis consumes so much of my time and energy. Sometimes at the end of the week I am Super tired and need a nap, most days before I go out driving for UBER I have to take a nap as well. Dialysis really does take a toll on my body. 

It is very important for me to get a Living Donor because there is a much better outcome. I know that it is a really big thing to ask of someone to give a part of them to someone else but it’s an amazing gift. It’s really difficult for me to ask for help but here I am telling my story in hopes that someone will. Getting a transplant will give me the opportunity for a better life. I have 3 Daughters and I have a lot of life to finish living. I would like to see my Grandchildren one day. My Children’s Children round about my table. I am hoping that I will be able to live another 20 years at least.

Being on Just a Kidney will give me a chance to share my story and talk to people who are willing to donate. I’m hoping that more people will be willing to donate if they hear my voice. It’s incredible that someone would want to be a Living Kidney Donor. I’m hoping to connect with someone who may have the same religious views as me. I have hope in the Lord and look forward to seeing how I can bear my cross!

Will you be my hero? Please with Just a Kidney today to become a Living Kidney Donor!
